Workout At Home - Here's How

Moving your body can be one of the BEST things you can do for yourself during this time in quarantine. Not only can it boost your mood, it can provide distraction from what’s going on in the world & it can actually help to boost your immune system. It’s crucial that you find time in your day to get moving to stay healthy!

So here’s how to get your workout in from home:

  • Set aside 30 minutes each day. Make it a non-negotiable. Tell your kiddos to go play or work on an activity, or have them do it right along with you!

  • Lay your workout clothes out the night before. I find when I do this I am MUCH more likely to follow through & complete my movement for the day.

  • Use what you have. Don’t have an entire weight room setup in your gym? Neither do I! I just have a hodge-podge of weights that I’ve added to here & there. But sometimes I use books as weights or use my 27lb toddler depending on the exercise :)

  • Keep it fresh. You don't have to do the same thing every day. Actually, I would encourage you NOT to do that. Balance is key, so maybe a few days of cardio, few of strength & a few of rest.

  • Bodyweight can work wonders. You really don’t even have to have weights to get in a good workout. Use your bodyweight instead! Squats, lunges, pushups, ab exercises - all can be done without weight!

  • Find an accountability buddy. This can be your spouse/partner. It could even be your team meeting up on a Zoom call to workout together. Get creative to stay accountable!

If you’re not sure how to put these tips into place, you can download my at-home workout guide for help. This will give you access to free workouts that can get you started in the right direction. Stay strong!