Having a Child with Allergies: A Conversation with Nicole in Style

I recently sat down with lifestyle blogger Nicole In Style on the RSVP Radio with Brooke podcast. You can listen to the full episode HERE - but below are some of the highlights of our conversation…

Nicole & I met actually during an interview for becoming a Certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach. I loved her heart & her story about how she found the FASTer Way lifestyle having a gluten intolerance herself. Not only that, but one of her son’s was also diagnosed with a unique esophageal condition that has brought on a handful of food allergies & sensitivities as well, so we knew it was important for others to hear how she tackles eating healthy in the day to day.

Be your own advocate

We chatted about the fact that its so hard to get physicians to take you seriously these days. They are pressed for time & 100% over-booked, but the patient experience suffers because of it. We both shared stories of how we had to be the advocates for our children’s health & ask for specialist appointments when our requests were falling on deaf ears otherwise. It’s imperative that we go with our mom-gut!

You don’t know until you try

A lot of folks have issues processing gluten & dairy specifically & they don’t even know it. It isn’t until we limit or eliminate these foods that we start feeling less bloated & having less inflammation. Nicole & I discussed this in her own health journey & how gluten affected her body particularly.

⁠In the FASTer Way we really encourage steering clear of gluten & dairy due to this reason! Reducing or eliminating these from the diet often leads to better gut health, skin appearance, energy, & of course reduced inflammation. Gluten is commonly found in wheat, rye, & barley, & can also be hidden in other things like soy sauce, salad dressing, canned soup, and dipping sauces. Your best bet is to read labels & look for "GF" on the box. Dairy is a little more self-explanatory & there are SO many dairy free options available at your local supermarket these days!⁠⠀

You can find more information on the FASTer Way & our nutritional strategies here.

It’s a family affair….

I asked Nicole how her husband & other son felt when they started buying differently at the grocery & eating different meals. At first she was making 3 different meals which was NOT sustainable :) But the whole family embraced eating differently to support her son. Wouldn’t our tables be happier places if we all took that approach to food?! Making healthy or different food choices isn’t a death sentence for other family members - its an opportunity to learn & support one another!

Check out my blog for more podcast interviews & tips, including ways to work out at home & how the Coronavirus has impacted the hospitality industry.

Find Nicole In Style at www.nicoleinstyle.com or on Instagram.

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