3 weeks ago everything stopped. Sporting events were cancelled. Events were cancelled. The term “social distancing” found its way into our vocabulary. The economy tanked. Life as we knew it changed. We’re still living in the unknown of how long this will last, but in the moment it can seem pretty daunting at how long it MIGHT last…

It can be so easy to FEAR the unknown. While the news (depending on where you’re getting it from) can be informative & keep you up to speed, it can also mess with your mind. I feel as though we want so badly for there to be a glimmer of good news that we cling to every word we hear on TV or via social media. This leads to obsessing over the negative. Judgement on those who aren’t obsessing like you are. Isolation feeling like you’re alone & there’s nothing you can do to stop what’s happening.

I know that I have fallen prey to this multiple times - let’s be honest, maybe in the past few days! I have moments where I won’t let the negative shake me, I’m steadfast in positivity & have peace that everything will turn out as it should. Then there are times when I succumb to the devastation, let my mind wander, obsess over steps to sanitize things (especially when my husband comes home from work), & worry about my family that’s spread across the country.

Don’t get me wrong, I would advocate that some sort of news intake is a good thing, to simply stay informed with the daily changes taking place. Just yesterday our Governor in Indiana mandated that schools will remain closed for the rest of the year & updated the state on where we stood. I think it’s just important that we don’t OBSESS over the information we’re being given or over-consume negative social media coverage…

I think the power of remaining positive through this crisis is choosing FAITH over fear. At the end of the day, even if you have setbacks of anxiety or worry, that you choose to believe that everything will be ok. That we will come back stronger than we’ve ever been. That God has purpose in this!

Just think of some of the AMAZING acts of kindness & generosity we’ve seen come out of this:

  • Local sewing clubs or church groups making PPE for local hospitals & nursing homes

  • Doctors & nurses coming out of retirement or working extra shifts & putting their own lives on the line to save strangers

  • Hotels & restaurants (some of the hardest hit businesses) opening their doors & capabilities to house medical professionals or start making hand sanitizer or other PPE that is needed

  • Communities organizing “Bear Hunts” for the kiddos to look for in windows

  • Neighbors checking on neighbors.& collecting groceries for the older generation so they don’t have to leave home

  • Companies & celebrities donating money or actual PPE to the cause

  • Companies offering virtual classes or activities of ALL sorts so kids have access while they’re at home

I’m personally thankful for companies like the FASTer Way to Fat Loss for not only providing at home workouts, but also pivoting & creating kids workouts & finding ways to invest into even more resources for folks to take advantage of at home. Our clients are thriving in chasing after their fitness goals, along with boosting their mood, energy, & mindset in the process. THIS has been one of my constants through an ever-changing landscape!

So the next time you feel the weight of the world crashing down on you - just breathe. Focus on the GOOD in the world. Know that God has us covered. Look for ways you can help make a difference for those around you or for your business in our greatest time of need.

We are resilient & fear has no place here.