5 Ways to Stay Healthy During Uncertainty

I know a lot of people have put their health on the back burner over the past few weeks because they are so focused on the crisis that’s happening on our world right now. There’s a lot going on - trust me, I get it. There are a lot of unknowns & its hard to focus when you’re trying to navigate a new normal.

But I wanted to share some natural ways that you can still prioritize your health, which I would argue is even more important now given the current state the world is in!

  1. Move Your Body

    I have found that working out during the past 2 weeks as not only been some of the only “me” time I get, but I also feel SO GOOD after doing it. My energy & my mood get a good boost. Moving your body for just 30 minutes a day can have HUGE implications on your mood & your immune system. Don’t overdo it - just once a day each day is perfectly fine. And it doesn’t have to be sweat-crazy cardio - think going for a walk, dancing in the living room with the kids, some yoga, lifting weights, kettlebell workout - all are great options!

    Try these at home workouts if you’re needing a place to start.

  2. Eat Whole Foods

    This is just taking it back to basics. Foods that are not processed have so much good nutritional value & fill your body with both micro & macronutrients that it needs. Filling your body up with all the fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, good quality meats, etc, that you can find is going to give your body a greater chance at fighting off sickness or infection if you get it.

    My free grocery guide details some of my top go-to whole food items.

  3. Drink The Dang Water

    Adequate hydration flushes toxins out of your body. Not to mention it makes your hair, skin, & nails look their best as well. Aim to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water a day. So let’s say (for easy math sake…) you weigh 150 lbs. 150lbs / 2 = 75 ounces of water a day.

    Try drinking a glass of water before you even have your coffee to get a jumpstart each morning.

  4. Vitamin D

    Not all of us live in sunny & 75 degree weather all year round. Winter just doesn’t seem to go away for us! But regardless, getting outside for even 30 minutes each day can improve your mood, but it can also give you natural Vitamin D. So whether its 40 degrees & windy or the sun is shining through a heatwave, get outside to help boost your immune system even more!

  5. SLEEP

    This is easier said than done for some. Me - I have no problem sleeping :) But you should aim to get 6-8 hours of good quality sleep every night. It allows your body to obviously rest, but to also repair damaged cells & tissue. It also lowers your cortisol levels which is key to not being stressed. Try a diffuser with a few drops of lavender to help you drift off into a deep snooze.

The fact of the matter is we are in control more than we think right now. While we may not be able to control the weather or how long this virus is going to impact our lives, we DO have control over how we react to the situation. We can control how we put up our best defenses for our bodies. If you haven’t done a round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss with me, I would highly suggest that now be your time.

Join my next round & let me know in the comments below how you’re staying healthy during this season of life!

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