I hope that comes as a big relief to you because it did to me once the lightbulb went off.

I'm fortunate that I've never had to work outside the home since Mara was born, but when I was in the corporate event planning world, it was always my mission to NOT bring work home. I worked 7am-4pm to be the first one in & first one out. I was pretty good at leaving work at work most of the time. My clients were my everything. And then along came the bear 🐻💗

My perspective changed. I valued my time with her SO 👏🏻MUCH 👏🏻MORE than work. I thought I would be a SAHM solely. But then I quickly learned I wanted more. I needed to work & have those clients that I loved back in my life. I started my event consulting business & became a certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach a year ago, & I thought "oh now that I'm a WFHM work/life balance will be so easy!"

UMM NO 🤦🏻‍♀️It smacked me in the face that it wasn't easier - it was actually tougher than I thought. I struggled to know when to shut my computer down & how to focus my time & energy between my husband, my baby, my clients, & ME. I felt rushed & pulled in a million directions & like my ducks weren't in a row 🦆🦆And ya'll - I LOVE my ducks in a row.

So when the lightbulb finally clicked that the elusive unicorn of work/life balance wasn't really a thing I felt some freedom. Some of my days/weeks are slammed & some are easier. I found AMAZING help with Mara. My husband & I talked about what this entrepreneur life ACTUALLY looks like so that we knew how to navigate what came our way. I pray about it - like ALOT. 

All of this to say, if you're a fellow business owner, give yourself grace. Know that unicorn doesn't exist & things might be messy, but that's ok. Map out what needs done & be fine leaving something for another day. .
Do you struggle with this? Was this helpful? I sure do hope so, friend 😘

Brooke Lockett