The Lie: You're JUST a Mom...

The State of Indiana just announced our plans for reopening last week. This was obviously a long awaited announcement because we’re all eager to get back to life, even if it looks a little different. We’re currently in Phase 2 & things are really starting to come back around to something near normal…

As I was listening to our Governor talk through the plans in place, I was reflecting on my time in quarantine in general. What we did, what we didn’t do, where we’ve been, where we didn’t go….I honestly couldn’t believe we had come to a place where we could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I also reflected on all that I’ve felt about what life has looked like for me. For the past two months, I’ve been working from home AND watching a toddler - AT THE SAME TIME. I actually lasted a really long time before I had a breakdown, which was only by God’s grace. But then the handful of times that I lost it, it was usually centering around a rough day for both of us and my worry that I was losing who I was. That I was JUST a mom.

Now hear this - if you are JUST a mom & that’s what you want to be THAT IS AMAZING. You are a superhero. The message that I talked about on the latest episode of the RSVP Radio with Brooke podcast & am discussing here is for those that want or NEED more than that. That need to be professionally active in conjunction with being a mom. Which is what I found out a I needed about 3 months into the mom gig.

I thought that being a stay at home mom was my goal. Like I said, 3 months in & I missed being pushed professionally & mentally having goals to reach. I wanted more for myself. Then came the GUILT for wanting more, for feeling like I had already failed at being a mom, for messing up the family plan….that was ALOT. But as I found my new footing as a mom AND.a professional over the next year, I became more grounded in the fact that it is possible to be both.

You can have your cake & eat it too, mama. I mean that figuratively & literally, thanks to what the FASTer Way to Fat Loss has taught me. It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing game. You aren’t JUST a mom if you feel like you’ve lost who you are through all of this. Go find those other parts of yourself - start a new hobby, join a mom’s group (virtual for now…), break the seal on that business idea you’ve been holding onto. We place these boundaries & exceptions on ourselves but you don’t have to - you can break the mold.

If you enjoy this episode of the RSVP Radio with Brooke podcast, make sure you subscribe & leave a review! There are plenty more that cover entrepreneurship, motherhood, leadership, health & fitness, & community. Cheers!