Alternative Protein Sources

Have you had to veer off your normal grocery path during our COVID-19 days?⁠ I know that we definitely have. Although we were lucky and most necessities have been in stock, especially now, I have stocked up on things I ate now & then MUCH more during this pandemic. The effects that this virus has had on our grocery stores have led to most people buying things they don't typically buy out of necessity. Not to mention it was touch & go with meat & milk for a while...⁠⠀
One of the areas my FASTer Way clients constantly struggle in is finding new & different protein sources. So I wanted to provide some tips on how to get protein from non-traditional sources- like the canned goods found in your pantry! When you're in a pinch or you need to add more protein into your day, let this be your guide.
Not only are they a good source of protein, but they're also rich in fiber & carbs as well! Chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans - throw them in as a base to your dish or add them to a salad - all solid options.
I would recommend canned tuna or chicken over anything else. I use tuna weekly to make healthy tuna salad, which is perfect for low carb days (learn more about carb cycling here…). I have also enjoyed using canned salmon for salmon patties & canned chicken for chicken salad or to throw in the crockpot.
Personally I like peanut butter more than almond butter & it does have more protein. But both are great (& SWEET) sources of protein & good fats. I like to spread some into dates, put it in my oatmeal when I break my fast, or throw it in a smoothie. You can download my free recipe guide for more smoothie ideas!

Adding in more protein to your diet doesn’t have to be a struggle. It also doesn’t have to rely solely on meat sources. There are other ways to get an adequate amount in for your day. If you’re not sure what your goals should be, let’s chat!

Brooke LockettComment