Now What?

We’ve been SO focused on the crisis at hand & rightfully so. We’ve been trying to figure out the new normal for our families, for our work schedules, for our lives in general. We have been tested, there’s no doubting that. And that will likely continue…

But have we thought about life AFTER the quarantine is lifted? Have we thought about what life will look like then? All this talk of the new normal, will it actually go back to “normal”?

As you reflect on your 3rd, maybe 4th, week of not leaving the house, I challenge you to think of the future. Don’t think of the here & now. Don’t think of what’s going on in the moment. Think about what you’re doing to approach things the same, or maybe differently, once all of this is said and done.

I know these things have crossed my mind. In the moments when I’m not chasing my toddler around the house or working when she naps or late at night, these are the things I think about….what do I miss most? What am I going to remain grateful for? What am I going to change?

We were not meant to be stagnant creatures - we were made for more! We were made to mold & adapt & step into the life purpose set out before us!

Some things to think about for post-quarantine:

  1. The economy needs us. My husband & I have already talked about this MANY times. The hospitality & tourism industry was hit very hard as a bystander of this virus. We can’t wait to get a babysitter (can I get an AMEN?!),  take an Uber, go to a fancy dinner, & spend a night out amongst our fellow Hoosiers. Let’s not take for granted all of these simple pleasures in life any longer!

  2. Family. Probably the hardest part of all of this is not being able to see or hug your loved ones. We miss our family so incredibly much. FaceTime & phone calls have been a blessing, but its just not the same. But we do it in hopes that we will keep each other safe & healthy. We can be grateful that our selflessness is saving lives!

  3. Our health. So many have lost loved ones. I don’t think this pandemic could have been avoided based on the warpath of this virus, but it has shown us where we are vulnerable. One of those areas is our health. This is our wake up call - it is IMPERATIVE that we take care of our bodies & live healthy, full lives. The goal isn’t a bikini body, its longevity of life & staying well!

Commit to taking a hard look at these areas of your life. Maybe the things we’ve learned in our “new normal” aren’t so bad after all? Maybe there are things worth keeping around?

I know one action you can take right now to stay well & prevent disease, and that’s to invest in your health by joining my next round of the FASTer Way. Use the code STAYWELL for a discount when you sign up.

Take inventory of what can stay around from this quarantine time & what has to go. You’re in the driver’s seat <3

Brooke LockettComment