Skipping Breakfast - Everybody's Doing It

Growing up, we had pretty nailed down routine. My alarm went off (yes, I got myself up even in middle school…), my mom got my siblings up, & we all sleepily made our way downstairs. Waiting for us every weekday morning on our breakfast bar, without fail, was one of the following:

  1. Bowl of General Mills cereal with 2% milk OR fudge Pop Tart (2 in my case…)

  2. A cup of more 2% milk

  3. Flinstones vitamin

  4. All set on a single paper towel

Clearly moving into my college & adult life the first thing I would do is eat breakfast. I felt “off” if I didn’t eat first thing. So much so that when my husband & I started living together it would blow my mind that he DIDN’T eat first thing - he waited until after a few cups of coffee. Sometimes I would just want to eat so bad! And don’t even get me started on working out before I ate - I thought I would pass out!

These were the things that scared me when I first started practicing intermittent fasting. My questions were “So you don’t eat?”, “You just starve yourself?”, “Why would anyone skip breakfast ON PURPOSE?”

It wasn’t until I was educated on WHY intermittent fasting is good for you & HOW you do it effectively that I truly embraced the concept. Intermittent Fasting isn’t starving yourself or not eating - its an eating schedule.

So here are the why’s & how’s behind the IF phenomena:

  • How it works. Like I said, IF is an eating schedule. Your body is either in a fasted stated or fed state, meaning you’re whether your eating or you’re not. When you’re not, MOST of the time you are sleeping, so it truly is just skipping breakfast!

  • It turns your body into a pro-fat burner. When you’re eating, your body has a hard time burning fat. When you’re not eating, your insulin levels are lower so your body can use your fat reserves for fuel which = inches lost…

  • You eat - ALOT. Its important to eat enough whole foods during your eating window. Pairing IF with carb cycling & tracking macros (which is what we do in the FASTer Way), we cycle through high carb days & low carb days to ensure we are fueling our bodies effectively so IF can do its thing.

  • There’s more to it than losing weight. IF has many more benefits to your overall health than just losing weight or inches. Here are some of them:

    • reduced inflammation

    • improved sleep

    • greater mental clarity

    • better digestion

    • improved hormone levels

  • It makes life easier. Having a little one when I first started IF, skipping breakfast made my life SO MUCH EASIER. I didn’t have to think about myself first thing in the morning - just the small one. I follow a 16/8 protocol, meaning my eating window is 8 hours long, 12pm-8pm to be exact. It doesn’t have to be complicated - just a time frame that fits your lifestyle.

Above all else, if you are new to IF I encourage you to find a coach or support system to ensure you’re doing it correctly. Practicing IF the incorrect way & under eating can actually do more harm than good. We do just that in the FASTer Way, both for new clients & for our VIP community!



Brooke LockettComment