We're All In This Together...

First - I wanted to acknowledge all the things I'm LUCKY to have in my life:⁠⠀
✨ God's safety & protection⁠⠀
✨ A beautiful, intelligent, & sassy daughter⁠⠀
✨ An adoring & thoughtful husband⁠⠀
✨ Friends that I couldn't go through life without⁠⠀
✨ Family near & far⁠⠀
✨ A business all of my own that I can use to create change in women's lives⁠⠀
✨ And lastly, hand sanitizer + hand soap⁠⠀

And dang it you know what, here’s what this virus can’t take from me:
💓morning snuggles
💓time in His word
💓watching Frozen 2 with my baby
💓gator rides
💓stomping in the creek
💓taking time for to love on one another

We’re in survival mode mommas. Let’s focus on what we CAN do with our time instead of what we can’t over these next few weeks. Myself included - I know there will be times when I’m tested but God has us covered - let’s rest assured in that 🙏🏻

So whether you’re working off a schedule or not, do whatever works for your family! We will be attempting (& I use that word strongly 🙃) a schedule because that works for baby girl & momma - we’re at our best when there’s some structure...

Be kind to one another. Pray for one another. We’re all in this together. And focus on what you DO have ♥️