I remember going on vacation even a year ago & thinking “I hope there aren’t any pictures of me in my bathing suit..” I was SO self conscious & had so much negative self talk towards myself.

Over the summer on our first family vacation, I didn’t have those feelings even once. I didn’t shy away from the mirror or photos. I was the most CONFIDENT I have ever been in a bathing suit in my life. I was nowhere near perfect in what I ate, but I enjoyed every meal & every walk on the beach with this one holding my hand. I want her to see a confident, strong woman when she looks at me so she can have those same feelings about herself..

Have you felt this way? I don’t want you to any longer!! It is my mission to help mommas & ALL women get their minds & bodies back & feel confident again in their own skin. I will walk with you every step of the way.

Brooke Lockett